MEW - Papers of Michael Edward Williams
Dates: 1922-2004
Number of records in this collection: 293
The papers of Michael Edward Williams (1922-2016). Born in Handsworth, Birmingham, on 10 August 1922, Williams attended school at St Augustine's, Solihull, and St Wilfrid's College, Cotton, Staffordshire, before entering the English College, Rome, which was housed at St Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst during the war. He obtained a Licentiate in Theology 'cum laude' from the Gregorian University, Rome, and a Doctorate in Theology 'summa cum laude' from the same institution in 1950, his thesis being on 'The Teaching of Gilbert Porreta on the Trinity'. Returning to England in 1950, he was for three years Assistant Priest at the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Saltley, Birmingham, and was also Director of Studies of the Birmingham Catholic Evidence Guild (1952-1953). From October 1953 until December 1966 he was Vice-President and Professor of Systematic Theology, History of Theology and Liturgy at the English College, Lisbon. He was an occasional lecturer for the British Council in Lisbon and Coimbra, as well as a member of the Aquinas Society at Corpo Santo, the Irish Dominican Priory in Lisbon. In January 1967 he was appointed Principal Lecturer in Theology at the newly-opened Trinity and All Saints College, Leeds, becoming Head of Studies in Theology the following year. He was also appointed a Member of the Faculty of Education of the University of Leeds (1969-1976) and received the Brownlow Award at St Edmund's House, Cambridge, in the Lent Term 1974. From 1973 until 1983 he was a Member of the National Theological Committee and of the Working Party IV on Social Teaching/Social Action of the Laity Commission (1976-1978) and of the Leeds Branch of the Social Morality Council; in 1977 was appointed the U.K. Representative on the International Catholic Cinema Organisation. He retired in 1987 and continued to live in Leeds until ill-health forced him to move to Aston Hall, Staffordshire, in 2005, and then to Nazareth House, Manchester, in March 2011. In 1997 he was created a Prelate of Honour. He died on 1 February 2016. The papers listed here were deposited in July 2005 by Mgr Williams, when he moved from Leeds to Aston Hall, Staffordshire. They remained unsorted until May 2011, when work was undertaken to review them. Some further items were added after his death. A great deal of the material deposited by Mgr Williams consisted of his research notes (both loose and in notebooks); with the consent of his literary executor, these have been destroyed, since they were mostly illegible and would have been of very limited, if any, value to researchers in the future. Publications of Michael Edward Williams 1951 The Teaching of Gilbert Porreta on the Trinity as found in his Commentaries on Boethius, Analecta Gregoriana, 56 (Rome) 1962 Articles on Abelard, William of Ockham and the Victorines in A Catholic Dictionary of Theology (London: Nelson, 1962-1971) 1967 Articles on Anathemas of Cyril, Assumptus Homo Theology, Catholic, Catholicism, Doctrine, Dogma, End of the World, Eschatalogy (Theological Treatment), Fundamental Articles of Belief, God-Man, Indefectibility, Mind of the Church, Orthodoxy, Private Judgment, Roman Catholic, Rule of Faith, Sanction (Divine), Soul (Human Immortality of), in New Catholic Encyclopedia (Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America) 1969 'Between the Two Loves' in New Christian, November 1969 1970 'Training Priests Today' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 61, no. 8 'Theology Expo 70: The Future of the Church' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 61, no. 11 1972 'The Last Things - Here and Now' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 63, no. 7 'And After Death?' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 63, no. 8 1973 'The Mission of the Church: Some Theological Considerations' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 64, no. 5 'The Ministry and the World' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 64, no. 7 'The Eucharist, the Church and the World' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 64, no. 10 1975 'Heresy and Orthodoxy' in Catholic Gazette, vol. 66, no. 2 'The Black Friar and the Catechism: A Question of Words and Meaning' in New Blackfriars, vol. 56. no. 658 'Professions' in New Blackfriars, vol. 56, no. 667 1978 'Pasolini: The Last Days' in New Blackfriars, vol. 59, no. 694 1979 'A Tale of Old Argentina' in New Blackfriars, vol. 60, no. 713 The Venerable English College, Rome: A History, 1579-1979 (London: Associated Catholic Publications) 1981 'St Teresa, Doctor of the Church' in Teresa de Jesus and Her World, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 1983 'That Obscure Object of Belief: The Discreet Catholicism of Luis Buñuel' in Luis Buñuel: A Symposium, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 'English Manuscripts in Scottish Archives: The Legacy of an Eighteenth Century Friendship? in Innes Review, vol. 34 1984 'Portraits of English Martyrs in Rome' in Catholic Englishman: Essays presented to the Rt Rev. Brian Charles Foley, Bishop of Lancaster (Wigan: North Western Catholic History Society) 'A Guide to the Archives of St Alban's College, Valladolid, with some Historical Notes' in Catholic Archives, no. 4 'Philp Perry, Rector of the English College, Valladolid (1768-1774) in Recusant History, vol. 17, no. 1 1985 'Some Sixteenth Century Yorkshire Clergy' in Yorkshire Catholics: Essays presented to the Rt Rev. W.G. Wheeler, Bishop of Leeds (Leeds Diocesan Archives) 'The Ascetic Tradition and the English College, Valladolid' in Studies in Church History, vol. 22 1986 'The Reformation in Spain and Portugal' in Reformation Europe (Durham Historical Association, Northern Region) St Alban's College, Valladolid: Four Centuries of English Catholic Presence in Spain (London: C. Hurst & Company, New York: St Martin's Press) 1987 'The English Hospice of St George at Sanlúcar de Barrameda' in Recusant History, vol. 18, no. 3 'Cá e Là: Oporto in October' in Leeds University Bilingual Magazine, vol. 9/10 'The Venice Film Festival', in The Month, November 1987 1988 'Roy Campbell, Lorca and the Civil War' in Leeds Papers on Lorca, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 'Os Inglesinhos de Lisboa' in Actas do Colóquio Comemorativo do VI Centenário do Tratado de Windsor (Facultade de Letras do Porto) 1989 'Ingmar Bergman's Magic Lantern' in The Month, February 1989 'Sin in the Cinema' in New Blackfriars, vol. 70, no. 832 'The San Sebastian Film Festival' in The Month, December 1989 1990 'Church and Cinema' in the Catholic Herald, 2 February 1990 'St Alban's College, Valladolid, and the Events of 1767' in Recusant History, vol. 20, no. 2 'Alarms and Excursions in Lisbon: The Case of Captain Richard Butler' in Portuguese Studies, vol. 8 1991 'The Media: Inter Mirifica' in Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings 'The English College of St Alban, Valladolid: A Story of Survival' in E.S. Revista de Filolgia Inglesa, vol. 14 (Valladlolid) 'San Severino Abbey, Piacenza: A Forgotten Chapter of College History' in the Venerabile, vol. 30, no. 1 'The Origins of the English College, Lisbon' in Recusant History, vol. 20 . no. 4 'Faith of Our Forebears' (Review Article) in The Month, Sep-Oct 1991 'The Life and Times of Saint John of the Cross' in Leeds Papers on Saint John of the Cross, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 1992 'Peter Gressier and the Catholic Community of Nevill Holt' in Catholic Ancestor, vol. 4, no. 2 Review of Hanns Gross, Rome in the Age of Enlighenment, in Heythrop Journal, vol. 33. n. 3 'England, Spain and the Apostle St Philip: A Footnote' in Vallisoletan 'The English Catholic Diaspora in Europe' in Aspects of Education, 47 (Hull: Institute of Education) 1993 'O colégio dos Misionarios ingleses' in Actas Congreso Internacional de História Misionação Portuguesa e Encontro de Cultura , vol. 4 (Braga) Indexes to Numbers 1-12 of Catholic Archives (with Robin Gard) 'Catholic Martyrs and Kings' in Vallisoletan 1994 'Privacy' in New Blackfriars, nol. 75. no. 878 'Cardinal William Allen' in Westminster Year Book 'Images of Martyrdom in Paintings at the English College, Valladolid' in Leeds Papers on Symbol and Image in the Iberian Arts, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 'William Allen: The Sixteenth Century Spanish Connection' in Recusant History, vol. 22, no. 2 1995 'British Cinema in the Nineties' in Cine & Media, 1995/1 'The Big Screen and Reality' in Priests and People, July 'Troia Film Festival 1995' in Cine & Media, 1995/3 'The Big Screen and Reality' in Cine & Media, 1995/4 1996 'Campion and the English Continental Seminaries', in The Reckoned Expense: Edmund Campion and the early English Jesuits, edited by Thomas M. McCoog 'An Introduction to Bergman's Film Trilogy' (for OSB in South Korea) 'Towards Dismantling the Myth of Robert Persons' (Review Article) in Recusant History, vol. 23, no. 2 'Paintings of Early British Kings and Queens at Syon Abbey, Lisbon', in Birgittiana, vol. 1 1997 'The President of the Seminary, the Will of the Princess and the Favour of the Apostolic See, Lisbon 1876', in Convivium: Celebratory Essays for Ronald Cueto, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 'The Big Screen and Reality' in Cine & Media, 1995/4 1997 'The President of the Seminary, the Will of the Princess and the Favour of the Apostolic See, Lisbon 1876', in Convivium: Celebratory Essays for Ronald Cueto, edited by Margaret A. Rees (Leeds) 'Lisbon College in the Nineteenth Century', in Recusant History, vol. 23, no .4 'The Big Screen and Reality' in Cine & Media, 1995/4 1998 'O Testamento de Infanta D. Isabel Maria' in Actas do Quinto Congreso Associacão Internacional de Lusitanistas, vol. 3 'A History in the Making' in the Oscotian 'Apocalypse Now' in Concilium, 227 'A Forgotten College' (Review of The Irish College at Alcalá de Henares, by Patrica O'Connell) in Recusant History, vol. 24, no. 2 1999 'Work in Progress' in Catholic Archives, 19 'Seminaries and Priestly Formation', in From Without the Flaminian Gate, edited by V.Alan McClelland and Michael Hodgetts (London: Darton, Longman & Todd) 2000 'Lisbon College: The Penultimate Chapter' in Recusant History, vol. 25, no. 1 The Centenary of the Parish of Our Lady, Help of Christians, and St Lawrence, Olney 'A British College?' in The Scots College, Rome, 1600-2000, edited by Raymond McCluskey (Edinburgh: John Donald) 2001 Oscott College in the Twentieth Century (Leominster: Gracewing Publications) 2002 'The Library of Saint Alban's English College Valladolid: Censorship and Acquisition' in Recusant History, vol. 26, no. 1 Review of Patricia O'Connell, The Irish College at Lisbon, 1590-1834, in Recusant History, vol. 26, no. 2 'Some Reflections on the Spiritual Nature of Catholic Archives' in Reflections of Catholic Archives (The Catholic Archives Society) Preface to The Writings of Doña Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza, by Margaret A. Rees (Spanish Studies, vol. 20) 2003 'Lisbon College - The Final Years' in Recusant History, vol. 26, no. 4 2004 Articles in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography on Charles Michael Baggs (revised), Richard Barret (new), Roger Baynes (new), Arthur Bell (revised), Edward Daniel (revised), Humphrey Ellis (revised), Nicholas Fitzherbert (new), William Gifford (new), Robert Gradwell (revised), Richard Haydock (new), Henry Heath (revised), Roger Hesketh (revised), Lewis (new), William Newman (new), Francis Nicholson (revised), Henry Thomas Parkinson (new), Philip Mark Perry (new), Ralph Sherwin (new), Edward Squire (new), Richard Walpole (revised)