RS - Rescue Society
Dates: 1872-c.1975
Number of records in this collection: 34
A small collection of records relating to the Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society, which was established in 1902 for 'the rescue and protection of homeless children', bringing under its aegis earlier initiatives in the field. In 1982 it changed its name to 'Father Hudson's Society', in honour of its first Secretary, George Vincent Hudson. Under this name it continues as the social care agency of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. For a detailed history of the Society, see Sylvia M. Pinches, 'Father Hudson and His Society: A History 1898-1998', Archdiocese of Birmingham Historical Commission Publication Number 11. Please note that the Birmingham Archdiocesan Archives does not hold the records of the Rescue Society or of any of the Homes administered by it, nor any records relating to the adoption of children or the emigration of children to Canada and Australia; these are kept by Father Hudson's Society at Coleshill, to whom all enquiries should be made. Please note also that the Birmingham Archdiocesan Archives does not hold any records relating to orphanages or other social care institutions in the diocese run by Religious Orders.